Thursday, August 27, 2015

God's kindness initiates a powerful chain of events

Did you ever wonder why it’s God's kindness that leads people to repentance, to changing their mind, to turning from sin towards God?

From the moment that our spiritual ancestors turned their backs on God, from the moment they decided that being in intimate relationship wasn’t enough, God was at work reconciling. God's response was towards them, God's heart was towards them, God's desire was for restoration.

God's word says that "never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." (Hebrews 13.5)

That’s an accurate summation of God's heart towards us. God's word also says that God's desire is that not one should perish. Not one. God's heart beats forgiveness. God's heart is filled with desire to see people brought into relationship.

God is an inclusive being.

God's son said that he was the good shepherd who looks out for his sheep. A good shepherd is diligent, watchful and keeps the safety of each member of the flock in mind at all times. God's son also said that his sheep know his voice, and he knows their voice. That speaks to deep relationship – going beyond the superficial. Going beyond business as usual. Going beyond the perfunctory

What is the world’s standard for kindness? Nowadays, kindness is seen as weakness. If you are kind to someone then you aren’t looking out for yourself and at some point, the person you are being kind to might take advantage. Kindness isn’t seen as being practical. If you are being kind to someone that’s energy being misspent.

When you think about it, there could be a lot of things that would lead a person to repent. 

God's sheer strength, God's power could instill a holy fear. God's position as creator of the universe could demand repentance. But ultimately repentance, a change of heart, a change of mind, has to be an act of free will. A person who is sinning, who has chosen to back away from relationship, has to decide to turn back. They can’t be forced to do it. Fear alone doesn’t cause repentance. Neither does guilt.

God's kindness initiates a powerful chain of events. God's kindness elicits love and that love brings about genuine change of heart. Be encouraged! God's heart is filled with kindness towards us.

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