Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Eventually We All Leave this World Behind

Everyone who is born eventually leaves this world behind. 

No one takes anything with them to the next life except their relationship with God. 

That’s it. 

That’s why Brennan Manning’s question (author of the Ragamuffin Gospel) is so important: Did you let God love you?

Most of us are too busy with the things of this life. Most of us are too concerned with success as the world views it. Most of us are too caught up in the illusion of success to understand what true success really is. 

Going after the temporary only clouds our focus on the eternal. 

Trying to attain the world’s acclaim and acknowledgement is like trying to please all the grains of sand on the seashore. It’s impossible, it’s fleeting and it will slip right through our fingers. And it’s disappointing because it’s so temporary. Trying to build ourselves up on the esteem of others’ opinions of us is like trying to stand on thin air. 

Come to think of it, didn't Jesus have a parable that spoke to this? One person built their home on sand, and another on solid rock, and when the storm came, the home on solid rock was left standing.

The solution to all of this disappointment is to build on the eternal which is God-centered. And it's also very, very liberating to be free of the burden of living for this earth when we're actually headed towards heaven!

photo credit: www.crosscards.com

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